Thursday 2 December 2010


Trying to upload work here, having trouble with connection & speed...

I started off by thinking about words on the body. Sort of like the cover of 'The Number 23'.

My idea is based around types of body art...where as it be just paint or tattoos. I am interested in the clubbing scene, & what I do, as many other clubbers do is use glow/uv paint to write on there bodys.

These pictures were taking from Cream Amnesia, Ibiza 09. I purchased uv paint & wrote the clubs name and the DJ I went to see 'Paul Van Dyk' on my face & stomach. I think this is a creative way of wearing type, fashionable & fun. I also think that uv tattoos are good idea & fit into this scene nicely.

I bought some glow sticks & glow paint & took some photography of my mate Peter in a clubbing scene. I just celetaped the glow sticks together to create the word 'Rave' & painted the rest of the words on with the glow paint.

Tuesday 16 November 2010


So I have decided to go for the Moving/Animation/Kinetic type side of things. I feel that I could create a more interesting piece. I thought of interviewing my nana because she is such an interesting & funny character, she's definitely lived to use one of her funny stories from her past, I thought could be something really cool.

I'm not happy with this end piece and I am glad that we have until Jan to perfect our work. My nana is coming over for christmas and I will interview her properly and produce a better out-come for this project, because at the minute even though I meet the deadline I'm disappointed in the quality of this video.

Monday 25 October 2010

Water is life


                                           UNITED NATIONS




First thing I did was, I took some photos of water. I started off simply running water and getting different effects from the splashes and drop that were made.

My initial idea was going to be based around clean water and dirty water. So I went out and around the town taking more photos, this time of clean and dirty water that I could find.

But I drew away from the idea of photography to create my poster design and I started to think of something simpler. So I started to draw different ideas. 

and I came up with 3 posters. 
Simple and to the point.

Monday 18 October 2010

24hr pro

I am an egg. I am the client.
Because I didn't receive the brief on time, I just tried to be realistic with it when I got it. I gave myself 24hrs and I came up with an idea to make a short stop-motion animation to promote how healthy eggs are for you. I made a script and characters for my eggs. It didn't turn out as best as I had hoped but it was only a 24hr time limit.

Everyone: "It's eggstremely cold in here"

Everyone: "Hurray"

Funny: "What's the craic?"
Cocky: "I'm a free range egg"
Funny: "I'm a free range egg too"
Dopey: "I thought we cost 1.44e"
Egghead: "We're all free range, full of vitamins A & B"

Cocky: "What's happening now Egghead?"
Funny: "Someone's for the jacuzzi"
Dopey: "I hope it's me"
Funny: "Why?, are you an eggs-pert?"
Cocky: "lol, you crack me up"
Dopey: "use are always yoking"

Dopey: "I'm free now, bye bye boys"

Cocky: "What we gonna do tomorrow Egghead?
Egghead: "Same thing we do everyday (interrupted)
Funny: ..."have a crackin' one" lol

Monday 11 October 2010

2D Illustration, graphic design

I will design a leaflet/poster pacifically for small children. Children should learn at a young age how to cope in a difficult situation. So, basic recovery position and CPR. 
I am going to design an interactive book for children, that focuses on the 3 basic things to do in an emergency...
999 call
Recovery position
The book will consist of a storyboard of pictures like a cartoon comic. Each picture when pressed will have a voice over control telling the child what to do. Children are only learning how to read and wouldn't understand written instructions.


As I am designing an interactive first aid book for children I researched a company that make interactive toys for children called 'vtech'. I looked up their products at
Storio Animated E-Book Reader
This is one of their many interactive story books. It has an interactive animated storyteller, which I would like to incorporate into my design.

Bugsby Reading System with Bugsby
This book has a pen which you use to rub over the sentence and an interactive voice tells you what it says. This the idea I have for my first aid book, because small children cannot read fluently yet. So I thought this would be a perfect solution as well as being quick in an emergency. 


                                                            RECOVERY POSITION