Thursday 2 December 2010


Trying to upload work here, having trouble with connection & speed...

I started off by thinking about words on the body. Sort of like the cover of 'The Number 23'.

My idea is based around types of body art...where as it be just paint or tattoos. I am interested in the clubbing scene, & what I do, as many other clubbers do is use glow/uv paint to write on there bodys.

These pictures were taking from Cream Amnesia, Ibiza 09. I purchased uv paint & wrote the clubs name and the DJ I went to see 'Paul Van Dyk' on my face & stomach. I think this is a creative way of wearing type, fashionable & fun. I also think that uv tattoos are good idea & fit into this scene nicely.

I bought some glow sticks & glow paint & took some photography of my mate Peter in a clubbing scene. I just celetaped the glow sticks together to create the word 'Rave' & painted the rest of the words on with the glow paint.